Like, who needs DEI when u can have this crazy mix of talent and chaos? Join now for a wild ride of building and madness!
Ethereal Isles 1.20.4
1.20.4, 200 iq, American workers, AMERIKUNZ, bubba, Cletus, DEI, Ethereal, Experience, Fags, foreigners, gas station, gas station workers, hire, hire bubba and cletus, hire foreigners, Isles, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Support, swamps, work ethicOMG u gotta join this Minecraft server cuz we got 200 IQ foreigners building epic stuff like pros but also got bubba and cletus from the swamps cuz they AMERIKUNZ!!1!ChasmCraft
Thanks for checking us out! Read below for more information on the server! Be sure to read the rules as well!
ChasmCraft Rules/Guidelines:
ChasmCraft has a few basic rules like no hacking and no disrespect but the main rule is no griefing of any kind! If you’re found guilty of griefing we will ban you permanently.
What makes ChasmCraft different:
ChasmCraft uses only the best of the best plugins and also includes multiple custom plugins. ChasmCraft has active admins that are always willing to help you out within reason.
Join us and check it out, and if you don’t like the server don’t be scared to leave a comment on why you didn’t like it, we may just improve based on your feedback.
MineCraft Vanilla – Gamers Geek
A survival server, Hosted in NZ (but good speeds to Australia and other countries), Vanilla Minecraft server, active players, good connection. Come and build with us. | Forums
=== The Rules === No griefing No looting No PvP, you may duel if the other play consents. Clean language (there are kids playing). Don’t ask to be Op
=== Server === Dedicated Hardware Fibre Connection
Pixelmon 3.4
Most up to date and unique Pixelmon server on the interwebs. We have great custom mods for your improved experience play (Pixelutilities!) and a great staff team to keep us on the path to the future. We have weekly events and great prizes. We have NO LAGGGG and up time 99.9 % (we have to update sometimes) Your Starter will be Shiny! Other Features: PvP – Towny – Economy – TownVSTown badge battles -Player Gyms – AI gyms – HiddenGyms and much much more! Come join the fun!
Dave Craft
This is a server where we have WIP mini-games and a survival mode and its frequently updated from all of the Nice Moderators and Admins and a nice owner.
BanzaiMC OP Factions
BanzaiMc Network is a pvp network dedicated to bring you the best staff, plugins and server hardware for the great pvp gaming experience.
Banzai-MC has all the regular plugins of a normal OP factions server, including McMMO, Combat Tag, Scoreboards, ArmorHud, Health, Damage indicators Essentials and a collection of anti-cheat and anti-glitch plugins to insure fair gaming.
Towny Server, EpicWorld, MiniGames, SkyBlock. – Crackshot, chairs, World Guard, World edit, Towny , Ieconomy, Group manager, time fold, werewolves(disabled atm), vampires, lasers. PG13. No harassing , bad language and follow all local-state-country laws. Shop keepers to trade for gems which u can then sell for money to support your towns…Gladiator Combat Every Sunday 2PM EST.
Fritten Network
Hello and welcome to the Toothwitch Minecraft Server!
GameModes that we offer on the server: -Survival -Creative – Bedwars -Instagib (Our own GameMode) -Runner (Like TNT Run only with more fun) -One in the Quiver/One in the Chamber -More in development!
We’re all ears when it comes to mini-game suggestions. Currently in progress: Instagib with Capture the Flag
Have fun and join our community!
Player will be able to choose jobs such as shopkeeper, supplier, mayor, or citizen (default).
Mayors: Can start towns. Must advertise and govern effectively in order to increase number of residents (Citizens, Shopkeepers, Suppliers). Must have knowledge of world-guard plugin commands for claiming town as well as setting up shops and homes to rent out to player residents. Must build their own town. May hire Construction players to help with building process. Mayors may expand town size multiple times for a fee. A mayor may not be inactive for more than 10 days in a row – results in a demotion (method for obtaining a replacement mayor has not yet been determined) Mayors may also switch jobs, but must pay a fine determined by the number of residents in their town. (The exact details on the fine have not yet been determined)
web: ip:
This is a plain vanilla server and I intended to keep it that way. Please, do not ask me to add this or that plug-in. I will not be adding anything. All items are to be worked for and will not be given out by any Admin. The Admin are also not permitted to spawn items, for that would be an unfair advantage.
While most anything goes, there are a few ground rules to keep things running smoothly.
No Hacking. Any Hacking will be banned immediately or on valid report to an Admin. Don’t build on or very near to spawn. Your things will be destroyed by the passing griefers and you will mostly likely be taken advantage of. Setup someplace safe and work from there. Don’t whine or complain when someone takes your things. This will happen and it is allowed. Everyone is not to be trusted. Use your head; this world is unsafe and unkind to newcomers. Good Luck.