You must join the discord server for link of mods and pls vote
You must join the discord server for link of mods and pls vote
AllyEarth features a 500:1 Earth map running on 1.17! We have Towny, pets, vehicles, jobs, chest shops, safari nets, emojis, and so much more!
Download modpack:
> A unique all-around balanced experience adding 150+ new structures-dungeons-mineshafts-strongholds, new food seeds and saplings (300+), 1.18 Caves and Cliffs update including height lowered to -61, custom mobs and bosses, enchantments, tiered gobber armor, hundreds of new weapons, tools, rings, artifacts, enchantments, and armors. > [2.4.0 UPDATE] Miss fire and ice? Now you can tame and mount dragons, griffons, lizards, moths, wolves, and 9 other animals and creatures > Build a space station and rocket and fly into planetary dimensions in space. You can also visit the Aether and take a different kind of journey. Like leveling? You’ll enjoy the subtle RPG Stats and choosing one of the twenty available origins when you first start the game.
Modifications:BetterFpsClientFixerDamageIndicatorsModJourneyMapOptiFineSchematicaSoundFiltersTreeCapitatorAdvancedSolarPanelAFSU ModAmunRaAppleCoreAppliedEnergistics 2AppliedEnergistics 2 StuffArchitectureCraftAroma1997CoreAvaritiaBDlibBetterBuildersWandsBetterQuestingBiblioCraftbinnie-modsBiomesOPlentyBrandonsCoreCuildCraftCarpenters-BlocksChiselCodeChickenCoreCoFHCoreCompactKineticGeneratorsCraftTweakerCTMLibCustomMainMenuCustomNPCsDraconicEvolutionEnderCoreEnderIOExtraCellsFoamFixForestryGalacticraftGalacticraft PlanetsGalaxySpaceGraviSuiteGrowthCraftHarvestCraftIC2 NuclearControlIguanaTweaksTConstructIndustrialCraft 2 ExInfernalMobsInventoryTweaksIronChestLunatriusCoreMantleMekanismClientMekanismGeneratorsMicdoodleCoreMineTunerMineTweakerRecipeMakerMobiusCoreModTweaker2MorpheusNaturaNEIAddonsNEIIntegrationNotEnoughItemsNotEnoughResourcesOpenBlocksOpenModsLibParallelMipMapRailCraftResource LoaderRealistic Terrain GenerationSpiceOfLifeSpongeMixinsSSPStandardExpansionTabbyChatTConstructThermalDynamicsThermalExpansionThermalFoundationTiCTooltipsUniDictWailaWailaHarvestabilityWawlaWorldEditCui
CedingCraft is a small community server,
We have plenty of ways to play, a unique economy system, anti grief protection, jobs, challenges and quests, creative flight tokens, custom items and tools, warps and towns.
Come along and join our community!
We are a new server that runs on mods join our discord at and feel free to join us the mods so far are weather2 and coroutil for 1.12.2 This is a newer minecraft server we have towns and an economy build your own town as the server grows the faster is the better as you will be able to establish trade sooner and get a railroad to your town as we evolve we will be more mod central so look out for that and join the discord server to get the updates as they come out
Mauve Studios presents, HirayaCraft: Hiraya Manawari
A chill semi vanilla survival server. Grind your way up into the ranks and have fun!
Feel free to join us!
Mauve Studios Discord:
See you there!