ஜ════════[MineDagger]═════════ஜ•► Server version 1.17.+ with new caves!•► Server IP: mc.minedagger.ru
•► PE version: mc.minedagger.ru:19132•► Login from version 1.12.2 is supported, as well as PE version from 1.17•► Survival – a big world that awaits its players who are ready for adventure and discovering new horizons
•► Weddings – find your love and have a wedding according to all the canons and with a priest
•► Clans – find friends and gather in your fortress under the flag of your clan
•► Games – a mini-game awaits you with the search for a traitor on a spaceship called AmongUs!•►Casino – slot machines and roulettes with prizes are waiting for you!
•► Parkour – for completing which you receive prizes
•► Free daily cases that drop donations and currency! /free
•►Buildings are saved after wipe
•► Without dupe, Economy•► Hero’s Armor – they say that in ancient times, even before the wipe, there was a Hero who taught how to make armor from emeralds, and left recipes for everyone!
•► New blocks – diversify your buildings with blocks from the latest versions
•► New Nether – explore piglin bastions and find treasures
•► Fair admins – they won’t leave you in trouble
•► More discounts on donation services www.minedagger.ru•► VK Group – http://vk.com/minedaggerஜ════════[MineDagger]═════════ஜ