➢ Own convenient spawn: built by our administration➢ Clans: Tops of the largest clans with kill statistics, any symbols in the name, greetings, clan moderators, clan chat, home, etc.➢ Works: many types for every taste + there are WHALES for works.➢ Friends: Chat with friends, TP to friends, see which friends are on the server, emergency situations.➢ Pets: Leveling up, classes, convenient menu for management➢ Shops: regular for buying/selling things + jewelry store for home decor➢ New items: such as a chair, table, board, lantern, fire, camera, weapon rack – fully functional and private in the region!➢ New recipes: saddle, mushroom block, horse armor, chain mail and many others! (there is a menu)➢ Visual highlighting of regions!➢ Phantom Automine: updated if you dig it up! However, it is covered in darkness… Watch your step!➢ Constant updates and addition of new features!➢ Many TOPs: the best killer, the best miner, traveler, money tycoon, fisherman and others!➢ Player status on Tab: find out if you need to run to the aid of your friends!➢ Trampolines! Where would we be without them =)➢ Colored names of items on the anvil!➢ You can put books in bookshelves!➢ Sit on the steps and, if it bothers you, turn it off!➢ Functional sidebar + many options!➢ Personal kill statistics➢ Personal statistics of time played➢ A LOT of goodies for donations – transformations, mechanisms, special effects, useful commands, more regions, house points, etc.!➢ ➢ ➢ Oh, it’s impossible to describe everything, come in already, stop reading!)