#AquaVanilla is an original project based on a vanilla Minecraft server and complete freedom of action on it. Just remember that your freedom ends where the other player’s freedom begins. Our servers have RULES and LAWS. By violating the rules that are written in the text channel of the laws-server, various measures will be brought against you, depending on how severe the law is, you can get by with just a fine, but it is better not to break the rules and laws at all. For griefing or inadequacy, you will be banned forever without trial. By violating the laws adopted by the server government, you will be put on trial as in real life. The choice is yours, you can become an unknown player or be promoted to deputy candidates. President!
Server currency: Gunpowder and diamond oreAbbreviated names – Gunpowder (P), diamond ore (ar)
1 Diamond Ore = 2 Gunpowder1 gunpowder = 0 diamond ore
The main currency is gunpowder, but you can exchange 2 gunpowder or more for diamond ore, diamond ore is mainly needed to trade in various government institutions, for example the trade federation, which ordinary players do not have the right to do!
Hyperloop – This is a road made of ice in hell, you need to ride boats there. In short, you go into the portal at spawn (later it will be, now it’s not there) and there you look at different branches, red, yellow, blue and green. You choose any branch and go to some city; there can be several cities on one branch. And to make such a hyperloop, in the normal world you move away from the spawn more than 1000 blocks and build a city, put a portal there and then in hell look at the cords and build a road to the nearest branch, this way you get a metro or, in other words, a hyperloop