New Minecraft Servers
Fair Game Minecraft Servers

Fair Game

  • Vortex SMP Safe Zone

    Vortex SMP Safe Zone

    New Minecraft Servers

    Vortex SMP Server Info

    The Vortex SMP server is mostly vanilla, meaning it’s pretty close to the original game. No griefing or stealing allowed within 1K blocks of spawn. So, don’t mess with other players’ stuff unless they say it’s cool. But once you’re outside that area, it’s fair game! Have fun exploring and building in this friendly community.

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  • SpeedCraft [Vanilla]

    SpeedCraft [Vanilla]

    New Minecraft Servers

    Minecraft Server Overview

    Server TypePure Vanilla
    Number of MembersAround 10

    If you’re interested in joining, please visit our Discord server.


    Are there any rules for conduct?Yes, we have basic rules for conduct and exploits.
    Can players use cheats or hacks?No, we do not allow cheating or hacking on the server.
    Is griefing allowed?Griefing is not allowed, but most other things are fair game.
    How can I join the server?Visit our Discord server and follow the instructions there to join.

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  • PentaCraft HiTech Minecraft server

    PentaCraft HiTech Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Pentacraft is a project of high-quality PVP servers based on Minecraft 1.7.10. The main goal of the project is to create and encourage an interesting and fair game, without lags.

    For each server, we select and support assemblies from the most popular and interesting industrial and high-tech mods, without neglecting to fix many dupes and bugs.

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  • Iron Bars Survival: Where chaos meets tiny worlds in 1.19!

    Iron Bars Survival: Where chaos meets tiny worlds in 1.19!

    New Minecraft Servers

    Minecraft Server Overview:

    Server NameIron Bars Semi-Anarchy
    RuleNo hacking
    Server IP68.168.123.233:25565

    The overworld has a world border at 1000 blocks so there is not a lot of breathing room and eventually resources will become thin. The server is great for those who want to experience 1.18 while still being at risk anywhere they build, building a community, or destroying everybody else’s fun.

    Server Features:

    • Anti x-ray/chestesp
    • Anti playeresp
    • Anticheat
    • Viewdistance: 32

    FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

    What is the main rule of the server?No hacking is allowed.
    What is the server IP?The server IP is
    Is the server suitable for players who want a challenge?Yes, the server offers limited resources and a risk of PvP anywhere you build.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • VanillaCord Network Minecraft server

    VanillaCord Network Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    What is VanillaCord?

    We are the first fork of the CandyMine project from the founder of the project Ne1sprav1m aka Dolor, together with FFluffyPaw, designed to provide you with a vanilla and fair game in the Minecraft Private Server format.

    We are the most technical private Minecraft server on the latest version, synthesized with love for the players. “From our own for our own” is our common slogan.

    The project will actively develop and publish Unique content on various social networks and Media Resources. A friendly atmosphere, built on universal trust, awaits you. An active, loyal, professional and friendly team of developers synthesizing a Premium segment product. And much, much more.

    Join us and make history with us?

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  • LabiCraft 1.16.5 Minecraft server

    LabiCraft 1.16.5 Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the “LabiCraft 1.16.5” server has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

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  • OniLaym server Minecraft

    OniLaym server Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the server “OniLaym” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

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  • Wording server Minecraft

    Wording server Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the “Wording” server has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

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  • Milkit Anarchy Server

    Milkit Anarchy Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to the realm of Milkit, where the essence of fun, competition, and classic gameplay converge in a digital symphony of chaos. This server is a true testament to the spirit of Minecraft anarchy, offering an unparalleled experience for thrill-seekers and master builders alike.

    Embark on a journey into a world where rules are mere suggestions, and creativity knows no bounds. This 1.12.2 server stands as a testament to the classic roots of Minecraft, embracing the sandbox essence that captivated players since its inception. The nostalgic allure of this version intertwines seamlessly with the unbridled anarchy, creating an environment where every block placed or destroyed reverberates with the echoes of player-driven chaos.

    Competitiveness pulses through the server’s veins, as players vie for dominance in a landscape where alliances form and betrayals are inevitable. The absence of plugins and restrictions heightens the stakes, making every encounter a potential turning point in the unfolding saga of your digital conquest. Engage in epic battles, build awe-inspiring structures, or vanish into the shadows as a cunning rogue – the choices are yours to make, and the consequences are as real as the blocks beneath your feet.

    What truly sets this server apart is the unfiltered fun that permeates every pixel of its virtual terrain. Whether you’re engaging in epic battles, participating in wild player-driven events, or simply exploring the vast, uncharted landscapes, laughter and excitement are your constant companions. The community thrives on the unpredictability and unrestrained nature of anarchy, creating an atmosphere where every moment is a potential highlight in your Minecraft adventure.

    Join us in this 1.12.2 Minecraft Anarchy server – a living testament to the timeless charm of the game. Immerse yourself in the joyous chaos, forge alliances, betray foes, and etch your mark on a canvas of infinite possibilities. In the true spirit of Minecraft anarchy, the only limit is your imagination. Welcome to a classic, competitive, and incredibly fun digital frontier. (chatgbt looolll)

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  • ZWorld Minecraft server

    ZWorld Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Questions go to chat in ds questions we will answer everything, we are waiting for everyone

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  • VANNILA PLANET Minecraft server

    VANNILA PLANET Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Dᴀʙnᴏ andᴄᴋᴀᴧ ʙᴀniᴧny ᴄᴇᴩʙᴇᴩ on Minecraft?

    Tᴏᴦdᴀ ᴛᴇbᴇ ᴋ nᴀʍ !

    U nᴀᴄ nᴀ ᴄᴇᴩʙᴇᴩᴇ :

    1. Xᴏᴩᴏɯy xᴏᴄᴛinᴦ bᴇɜ ᴧᴀᴦᴏʙ

    2. Oᴛɜyʙchiʙᴀya and dᴏbᴩᴀya ᴀdʍiniᴄᴛᴩᴀtion

    3. Bᴏᴧɯinᴄᴛʙᴏ ɸᴇᴩʍ – ᴏgeneralᴇ, ᴨᴩiʙᴇᴛᴧiʙyᴇ andᴦᴩᴏᴋi, ᴋᴏᴛᴏᴩыᴇ willᴛ ᴩᴀdy ʙzhizʙᴀᴛь ʙʍᴇᴄᴛᴇ ᴄ ʙᴀʍand!

    4. Good plugins and much more

    5 Interesting event and kind people

    Zᴀhᴏdiᴛᴇ, nᴇᴨᴏzhᴀᴧᴇᴇᴛᴇ! Sᴇᴩʙᴇᴩ nᴇ ᴨᴏᴨуᴧяᴩ, nᴏ ᴏchᴇn ᴧᴀʍᴨᴏʙy

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  • MineCristality 3.0 Minecraft server

    MineCristality 3.0 Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    MineCristality 3.0 is our third season of vanilla survival! Here you can build your own project, houses, pools, fountains and much more. For example, you can create your own alliance and challenge other teams to battle; finding new friends with whom to play Minecraft will be even more interesting. We are waiting for you!


    ❤For phone




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  • MCude – Group in VK vk.commcude server Minecraft

    MCude – Group in VK vk.commcude server Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    MCude server rules

    1.0 Using cheat modifications – Issuance of chna until the end of the wipe. (Bypass 5+ chn = 7 days IP ban)

    1.1 Use of prohibited mods – Issuance of credit until the end of the wipe. (Xray, FreeCam, ItemScroller – allowed)

    1.2 Storage of cheat modifications – Issuance of cheat code until the end of the wipe. (If the shelf life is more than 10 days and there is no SonnerFun IP in the baritone, then this is allowed)

    1.3 Bypassing punishment issued by the administrator – Then it will be blocked, but by IP.

    1.4 Incitement to violate the rules – Mutual for 8 hours. Example: you will spam, and I will give you a stack of diamonds

    1.5 Affecting the family in an offensive manner, nationality, language, religion, as well as interracial and national hatred – Mut chat for 6 hours.

    1.6 Insulting the project control committee – Mutate the chat for 8 hours.

    1.7 Flood, spam, insulting players, begging in chat/pm – Temporary mute for 1 hour.

    1.8 Transfer / Sale of account to third parties – Account ban for 360 days.

    1.9 Insulting the project – Mutate the chat for 2 days.

    2.0 Mislead the project administration (Fake screenshots) – Account blocked for 7 days.

    2.1 Using a server vulnerability (Bagov, Dyupov) – Ban for 10 days.

    2.2 Impersonating the project administration – Account blocking for 7 days.

    2.3 Advertising projects using their IP address or direct name – Chat blocking for 75 days. Example: go to the server.

    2.4 Transactions related to the sale of game assets for real money – Account blocking forever.

    2.5 Numerous violations of project rules/sabotage – Account blocking from 7 days to permanent ban

    2.6 Use donation opportunities for personal gain (Spam/flooding by teams) – Warning / Account blocking for 2 hours.

    2.7 Flooding of houses with lava/water – Warning / Account blocking for 3 days. (Does not apply to flooding of farms)

    2.8 Interfering with YouTubers at the tournament – Teleportation to spawn + Varn at 3.19 / Blocking for 10 minutes

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  • ✨Vanilla Experience✨ Minecraft server

    ✨Vanilla Experience✨ Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Vanilla game server

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  • 🐸SPIRIT🐸 ANARCHY 1.16.5 🐸 Minecraft server

    🐸SPIRIT🐸 ANARCHY 1.16.5 🐸 Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    ? Have the poor fellows opened up?

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