New Minecraft Servers
enhancing post-coital communication Minecraft Servers

enhancing post-coital communication

  • AfterGlow Minecraft SMP

    AfterGlow Minecraft SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Yo, listen up, you blocky heroes! If you ain’t in this totally epic Minecraft SMP, what are you even doing with your life? I mean, c’mon! Let me hit you with some wild reasons why you NEED to join this server right now:

    1. Creatures from Your Nightmares: Ever heard of the mighty Creeper-Pig hybrid? Yeah, you haven’t? That’s because I just made it up, but in this SMP, they’re like a dime a dozen! Picture it: you’re building your sweet castle, and suddenly a pig explodes near you! Bet ya didn’t see that coming.

    2. Epic Battles Over Slimes: In this realm, we take slime to a whole new level! Forget about water fights; it’s all about SLIME FISTFIGHTS. Who needs armor when you can slap people with gooey green jelly? Winner gets a lifetime supply of cupcakes… if they can survive the sugary explosion!

    3. Player-Run Taco Truck: Our server has a taco truck that serves tacos made from cooked chicken AND diamond blocks. You just can’t beat that culinary experience. “What’s the best thing to say after you had tacos?” More like, “why are my eyes turnin’ into diamonds?!"

    4. Rage Quitting Competition: Ever rage quit because you fell into lava? Here’s your chance to win a prestigious title! It’s like the Olympics but for nerds! Prizes? I dunno, maybe a medal made of dirt? That’s right, PROVEN TREASURE!

    5. Your Mom’s Secret Base: Wanna see your mom’s secret base? No? Too bad! In this SMP, every player’s mom has a secret base that’s like… apparently from a movie?! I haven’t even seen the movie! But now you gotta join just to find it! Good luck!

    6. Time Traveling Chests: We’ve got chests that teleport you to 5 minutes ago. Useful, huh? Just think of all the times you failed to place a block and fell to your doom! Grab that loot and tell your past self to not be a noob! Hand slap.

    7. Totally Legit Quests from Random Cats: Seriously, there’s these cats that give out quests like, “Go fetch me a diamond and I’ll give you… my approval or something?" They’re so chill about it, like they just want you to fail or succeed. It’s unclear. But the cat will judge you, yo.

    8. In-Game Dance Parties: Every Friday night, we throw dance parties in the Nether, and if you don’t show up, a ghast will haunt your dreams. You think I’m kidding? I’m not. My buddy Ellen got haunted last week. We’re still trying to get the ghost while busting our moves!

    So, are you ready to dive into this whirlwind of chaos? Join us now, or forever be haunted by your own bad Minecraft decisions! This isn’t just a server; it’s a lifestyle. Or at least a really weird hobby. Either way, let’s build some ridiculousness together! 🕺💥

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Yeet404


    New Minecraft Servers

    Its a server i guess. just vote for this one pls im super bored and dont know wtf to do tbh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its on 1.16.2

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Fantasy craft

    Fantasy craft

    New Minecraft Servers

    **Welcome to Fantasy Craft!**

    We are an RPG SMP server with many features!

    – Custom Guis!– Custom Technology– Furniture and Modeled Items!– Custom farming and fishing mechanics!– Intricate Technology Systems– Active Events and community involvement

    Come join the development today!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Omega Parkour

    Omega Parkour

    New Minecraft Servers

    The first custom coded and fully unique parkour server! Build any type of parkour you want, with plenty of options to utilize. Set version limits, no sprint, potion effects, and more. Discover courses made by other players, learn about parkour strats, and aim to be on the course leaderboards!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PurrWorld Minecraft server

    PurrWorld Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The administration of our PurrWorld project has created a unique Minecraft server. On the server you will be able to enjoy cool modes such as Survival and others coming soon. We regularly hold events and competitions to give you new experiences and the opportunity to make new friends. Join us and become part of a close-knit team on our server! Our moderation team is always ready to help you with any questions or concerns. And our players are a real family of cute kittens who are always happy to welcome new participants. We are looking forward to seeing you! We hope you enjoy everything 🙂

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Ruqquscraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Thanks for clicking on this server listing! Ruqquscraft is an economy driven survival multiplayer server with a lot of features! We have realistic seasons, RPG Skills, Custom Enchantments, Jobs, Land Claiming, Custom Heads, and more!

    Feel free to come check us out 🙂


    Dynamic Map:



    New Minecraft Server
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  • Boxpvpro


    New Minecraft Servers

    Hello, we are the BoxPvpRo community and we invite you to our boxpvp server. We are looking for staff who are able to help us, but also Youtubers or Tiktokers who will be awarded with ranks and items for promoting the server.Why enter our server?– Every weekend we offer all players keys for crates and we promote compliance with the rules on our server and we try to get rid of people who don’t behave or who bother you.– Armors and coins very easy to make and many players who will help you at the beginningAt the moment we are a small community but we want to take this server as high as possible and bring minecraft back to life.

    English:Hello, we are the BoxPvpRo community and we invite you to our boxpvp server. We are looking for staff who are able to help us, but also Youtubers or Tiktokers who will be awarded with ranks and items for promoting the server.Why enter our server?– Every weekend we offer all players keys for crates and we promote compliance with the rules on our server and we try to get rid of people who don’t behave or who bother you.– Armors and coins very easy to make and many players who will help you at the beginningAt the moment we are a small community but we want to take this server as high as possible and bring minecraft back to life.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Binstercraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    [1.16.3] (Season 3) Paper / Vanilla Binstercraft is built on players having fun, creating awesome builds whilst playing in survival.

    The server has a few quality of life improvements to make your survival experience fun and easier including claims, rank permissions and Essentials. It’s the ideal server for mature, laid-back players who just want to relax and play survival.

    Main Features of the server: Survival (Vanilla) | Quality of life Improvements (E.g. Datapacks/Crafting Tweaks – More info in game/discord) | GriefPrevention (Claims Plugin) | PvE (PvP is enabled though) | Mob Heads (Xisuma’s Vanilla Tweaks) | Custom Resource Pack with a few optional texture reskins (REQUIRES OPTIFINE) | Request Teleports (Essentials Plugin) | Player-made Shops | Mature & Relaxed Environment | Friendly, helpful staff and players! | Free to join! (No application needed)

    A lot of the inspiration for this server came from the Hermitcraft server and the Old Iskall85 Public Server.

    Join our discord server for more information on the rules and an opportunity to meet new friends and chat to our admins about any server issues. We are open to make any improvements that we feel make the server better. We hope to see you there! 🙂

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Minecraft server Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    A server founded from ashes, on the bones of (test server), which in turn is based on the bones of (radical server), which in turn is based on the bones of the zenin server – also We continue their idea and concept with minor changes. The server is completely non-commercial – there are no donations here at all and there won’t be any, you can, if you wish, donate any amount for the development of the server, payment for the domain and electricity, by contacting the admins.

    TerraFirmaCraft (main mod)

    TFC is a mod that radically changes the mechanics of the game towards realism. No bullshit – first the Stone Age, you have to chisel stones to make tools, food needs to be fried over a fire, animals must be tamed, tools must be forged, not crafted on Vestac, etc.

    Towny (basis for private)

    There are no privates in the usual sense, instead you enter a city controlled by another living player, he gives you chunks with your personal private adjacent to the city, this creates a unique gaming experience and interaction between players, such as the attack of one city on another, trade etc. You can also found your own city, but this is not very easy as it will be difficult to accumulate the required amount of game currency.

    List of mods: tfc-tng, advanced tfc tech, antiueatlas, astikorcarts, caryon, davicisvessels, dynmap, immersiveengenering, immersive energy, immersivelligence, immersivepetroleum, immersivetechnology, mmmmmmmmmmmm, puddles, terrafirmathings, tfcdecoration, tfcdryingrack, tfcagreddrinks , tfcsurvivalstuff, tfctech, threechop, voicechatreloaded, waterflasks, wearablebackpacks, dynamictrees tfc., as well as small client mods, the list will also expand.

    There are a minimum of rules on the server, no one will forbid you to send an admin with 3 letters, but you also need to feel the bounds of decency

    Server DS:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FirePvP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Crates faction server with personal weapons, crates, pvp, buycraft and much more, once you enter the server you will have to choose your weapons and then going to the arena you can fight against many other players, then if you like the server you can decide to donate for empower yourself or continue playing trying your luck to find a personal weapon in the crates without having to spend a penny.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Minholm


    New Minecraft Servers

    minecraft server pvp eventskoth minholm fighting championshipnon premiumranks

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