It’s took a long time to do this but VEMICRAFT IS HERE GUYS, Come join and play with us. I’m currently on the KitPvP server this server is one of the best, with 3 game modes Creative, Kitpvp and Skyblock. You will start out at hub to see who’s on do /glist, and to connect to a server do /(Servername) so for example /server Skyblock if you want to connect to skyblock. We are currently using 1.9, Soon changing to 1.9 and 1.8 compatible, You guys know how the 1.9 PvP is really slow and hard to kill people, well it’s not like that on KitPvP we have the 1.8 pvp system thats right a 1.9 server with the 1.8 PvP system . These are the changed we as a server have made to our KitPvP server to make it better for the players.
Removed attack cooldowns Adds blocking Removes collision for players Any suggestions. Please put it on our forums our forums are awesome. We have alot of sections to put your stuff on we hope to see you on, You can also apply for staff on our forums all staff applications are not to be put on here. Please put them on the forums and also follow the format otherwise you will be denied. Thanks we are currently working on putting the 1.8 PvP to all the servers so not just KitPvP you will soon see it on all the servers 🙂
Server IP: play.vemicraft.com
Forums link: http://vemicraft.com/forum/index.php
Thanks By JamCores