Your Hermitcraft (You must apply in the PlanetMinecraft comments section [ https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/your-hermitcraft-amplified-datapacks-hard-whitelist/ ]or our discord to join)
Your Hermitcraft is a 1.16.1 Minecraft vanilla server. We offer over 50 datapacks to make Minecraft a more pleasant experience. These are some of our useful datapacks here: One player sleeping to daytime, player heads, mob heads, unique mobs, craft flint back into gravel, and loads more!
Everyone is equal on Your Hermitcraft. Even the owner is set to the same rank as you. We all have equal command access, such as: home set, access to warps, and miscellaneous features such as /hat. Everyone including the owner is automatically de-opped upon joining the server. No childish staff members, no staff randomly teleporting to you, and most importantly no drama — just play!
Fear not, if you’re unfamiliar with what hermitcraft is, there’s several players just like you on here who still don’t know what hermitcraft is. So, you’re more than welcome to join us! And, for those of you who do know, well, Your Hermitcraft is your opportunity to experience a slightly altered vanilla server like your favorite Hermits on Hermitcraft! We’re a small community looking for anyone who can sit down, and enjoy Minecraft for a long amount of time. Everyone’s really easy to get along with, so apply to join our whitelist.
We’re not looking for a huge player-base. We do have a whitelist, and we’d love for you to take this opportunity to join us! Please submit an application on our Planet Minecraft server page, in the comments section. Thank you for reading!