To join us, you must download CurseForge, then the latest version of the “ATM8” modpack, version 1.0.10, make no mistake, check the version installed on CurseForge, the link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft /modpacks/all-the-mods-8
Server address: or tekcity.mine.fun
On the server, the quests are translated into French, certain plugins are installed on the server side to offer you a quality shop!
Many constructions are still to come! Do not hesitate !
We are excited to welcome you to the Minecraft ATM8 server and we hope you have a great time with us.
*Note: (Any help for the server is welcome, you can apply to be a moderator, make a donation on our site to support the server, or simply a nice build, it doesn’t cost much ^.^)
Our website: tekcity.fr