New Minecraft Servers
Centuries of Development Minecraft Servers

Centuries of Development



    New Minecraft Servers

    The server has 3 unique modes:

    ⭐POLITICAL is a unique mode in which you can found YOUR city and recruit people there!

    ✅ City upgrades are very diverse. The city’s buildings are divided into 6 branches: Civil, Economic, Military, Technological, State and Production. Each branch has a wide variety of buildings (they need to be built and improved using resources and game coins), which will give your city and your residents different bonuses and advantages.

    ✅In addition to upgrading buildings, the city needs to upgrade Centuries of Development in order to gain access to new crafts and technologies. So, for example, in the last “Atomic” century, residents of your city will have access to crafting firearms!

    ✅Also, every city needs to choose its own religion and form of government. They are all different and give different bonuses. Be careful – some religions and forms of government cannot be changed!

    I would like to note that there is quite a lot of PVP content on the server:

    ⚔In automatic mode, tournaments are held every day for city residents. There are 2 types:

    PVP tournaments (There are 3 types: daily, weekly and mystical). To participate, the Mayor of your city must submit an application for participation at the start of the tournament in the chat, after which city residents will be able to sign up for it). What is this tournament? Residents of eight cities will fight against each other in the same arena. Each resident will have two lives; if you die, you will immediately appear in the same arena and will be able to continue fighting until you run out of lives. City residents who kill everyone else will receive various rewards.

    SPLEEF tournaments – well, everything is simple here, city residents will play a game that is familiar to everyone. And again, the city residents who are the last to remain will receive various rewards.

    ⚔There is a PVP location “Outpost”, in which various chests with resources constantly spawn at a certain time, BOSSES spawn (for killing them you get their hearts. Whoever collects the most hearts in a month will receive good bonuses).

    ⚔There are duels – by writing the command /pvp, you will queue up for a duel. When someone else writes this command, you will be teleported to a random place in the world. IMPORTANT, you will not be able to write this command if you are not wearing diamond or netherite armor.

    ⚔And of course, city wars and raids on them.

    ❤️ Friends – believe me, this is only a SMALL part of everything that is in this mode. Come in to view all the delights of our server!

    ⭐GTA RolePlay – This is a game in real life. Here you can get sick if you walk in the rain without an umbrella, break your leg if you fall from a great height, or get poisoned if you eat something expired. You will need to earn a living, buy a phone, an apartment, a car, clothes, get an education and then join one of 6 factions: Army, Police, City Hall, Media, Hospital, Mafia. In each faction, you will need to complete various tasks to improve your position and increase your salary. Everything is built on the interaction of players through RolePlay (if you don’t know what this is, don’t worry, faction leaders and their assistants will definitely teach you!). Also, all the stores on the server are businesses that you can buy and receive income from sales!

    Be careful – PvP is enabled throughout the city (available from level 3), but this does not mean that you can just kill civilians!

    Everyone often asks: where to start playing?

    – It’s very simple, start with quests! After completing them, you will get acquainted with the server, learn the things you need and be able to comfortably continue playing on the server!

    ✨Vanilla survival is a unique mode where you can earn DONAT currency yourself – DINAR!

    For dinars you can buy various items, improvements, protection from pvp, cosmetics, runes, change the color of your nickname, buy DONAT cases and even pay extra for your DONAT.

    Well, briefly about the most important thing:

    ✅ No griefing, your building will not be broken

    ✅ No creativity – no donation trash

    ✅ Duels 1vs1 and clan wars 2vs2,3vs3,4vs4,8vs8 and 10vs10

    ✅ Magic runes that give bonuses to characteristics

    ✅ Battle pass with unique tasks and rewards!

    ✅ System of punishments for leaving PvP; whoever leaves the game dies!

    ✅ A large number of works

    ✅ Unique warp system for players!


    New Minecraft Server
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  • XPCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to the XPCraft Network!

    We take pride in offering completely customized gamemodes and putting our own spin on the classics as well!

    Our custom minigame “Shift” takes SkyWars to a whole new level! Mine ores, logs, and podzol to arm yourself and use the shifting platforms to hop between islands. Mine the Alpha Core on the central island more than anyone else within the time limit to win!

    Features: – Milestone Kits: Get enough kills and you’ll get some pretty epic gear. – Classes: Choose from 1 of 9 classes. Unlock through network XP or gameplay! – Ore Regeneration: All drops are put right into your inventory! Iron and Gold are also pre-smelted for your convenience! – Stats Tracking: Keep up with your K/D ratio, W/L record, and much more! Check the high scores to see how you stack up! (COMING SOON)

    Join us @ Visit our Website: Follow us on Twitter:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PvPFeeling – FeelingNetwork

    PvPFeeling – FeelingNetwork

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to PvPFeeling! VERSION 1.7.x – 1.8.x

    Hello and welcome to the FeelingNetwork! We are a 2015 slot large Minecraft server that offers you a lot PvP and small modes!

    Daniellainand and chris2607 run the server. Visit our minecraft server and see what awaits you! A lot of people program their own game modes and much more So that you don’t get bored, there are even events. Visit my Minecraft server and be amazed at what awaits you ;)!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PokeNation


    New Minecraft Servers

    Are You ABoyOr AGirl?

    This Server provides the most immersive Pokemon experience to date.

    PokeNation Invite you to take up the challenge of becoming Pokemon Masters!

    Facing Gyms along the way, exploring our amazing and custom map, Taking on the Elite 4, Then if your brave enough taking on the Pokemon Champion.

    With Tournaments, Minigames, Friendly Staff & Players Your Pokemon Experience will be the best youve ever had!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • BattleRaid


    New Minecraft Servers

    Awesome Server with good owners and staff. Really good community of members. Factions Economy Advanced-PvP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Towny by Modmix Studios

    Towny by Modmix Studios

    New Minecraft Servers

    We are a Minecraft Towny, survival server. Explore the world, gather resources, make money (gold), establish a town, build your base, level up your skills, mine spawners, and conquer all the dragons! Towny by Modmix Studios is a friendly place to hang out and have fun.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • CrafterMaster


    New Minecraft Servers

    CrafterMaster is a family friendly server with lots of cool features. We have custom plugins and edits of normal plugins. We are inpired by playing survival, Its not grief and no hacking! If you do try to hack all i have to say is good luck! We have a rank system so you can get ranks without paying, and once a month we have a team uhc. This is only avalable for members +. We are looking for staff and builders. Hope you join!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • WindmillGaming


    New Minecraft Servers

    Our goal is to provide an excellent server experience for all our players, friends, and visitors as you the community are very important to us. With well-trained, respectful, and dedicated staff team, we do our best to deliver support to any player in need of staff assistance and enjoy playing alongside our amazing community.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • CroX-Network


    New Minecraft Servers

    Play on one of the best Balkan servers! IP: CroX-Network offers you: -> SkyBlock -> SkyPvP -> OpFactions -> Creative -> SkyWars -> RolePlay -> Factions -> SURVIVALGAMES…

    New Minecraft Server
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  • AnimeHeaven


    New Minecraft Servers

    Modded Anime Survival Server 1.7.10


    -Lots of Anime Weapons -multi-dimensions like twilight forest and aether -Infernal mobs to make more challenging fights -More enchantments -Magics like witchery and Thaumcraft -Craftable Custom consumable bullet shots -247 uptime

    contact thebunny442 on skype if you want help with mods

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MinePlaceNetworks


    New Minecraft Servers

    New Minecraft Server
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