{c2dba510-310e-4207-a8a2-0c4619d5f355} Minecraft Servers

2024 Best {c2dba510-310e-4207-a8a2-0c4619d5f355} New Minecraft Servers

  • PokeGenesis


    A PokeGenesis Cobblem 1.19.2 Forge Server

    Brand New Feature Packed Cobblemon Server

    More Details on Features Coming Soon!

    Official Launch Day on the 4th May 2023

    Join Discord to keep updated!

    Server IP play.pokegenesis.com

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Minelith


    MineLith is a minecraft server active in 2022 with Skyblock variants. We aim to provide you with the best gaming experience by treating you fairly with our experienced staff.

    Server IP play.minelith.com

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  • [1.20.2 – 1.20.X] Vault server Minecraft

    [1.20.2 – 1.20.X] Vault server Minecraft

    The server was launched on 08/24/2022. In order to join the server, you need to pass verification in our Discord. This is necessary to save the server from griefers and inadequate people!

    ⚡Freedom and creativity⚡

    • There are no particularly oppressive rules prohibiting everything. Build whatever you want, just don’t litter. Say whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t go out of bounds, but most importantly, don’t spam, don’t insult players, and don’t flood. And, of course, griefing and cheating are prohibited.

    ⚡Web – Map. Discord – Integration⚡

    • The server has a web card installed that is incredible in its capabilities. This is not the usual flat Dynmap. This is practically a real projection of the map. But on the Internet. It is also worth paying attention to its own bot – Vault Bot, which implements a registration system, an in-game store for purchasing various useless in gameplay terms, but beautiful things for its own currency – Vults, and also allows you to monitor the server status with just one command. You can earn Vults by inviting friends to the server by telling them a unique referral code, which can also be viewed using the Vault Bot.

    ⚡Protection is the most important thing⚡

    • Complete creative freedom. There are no privates, but /co i is available to every player.

    ⚡The most elaborate design⚡

    • Chat, Discord, system messages from teams… We try to do all this in a common design and in a common style, so that there is not a single dissonance or eye-rolling design element. Yes, we respect little things =)

    ⚡Vault Premium⚡

    • In the usual sense for Minecraft, there is no community donation here. You can support our server financially, but this will only give you additional opportunities for customization: one of more than 100 prefixes, changing the exit and entry messages on Vault, changing the color of the suffix, the ability to set the role of any color from the HEX palette in our Discord and some other functions , which you can read about in our Discord.

    Interested? Go to our Discord, register and start playing! Wipes on the server are made only on global versions like 1.19 or 1.20.

    Server IP vaultmc.ru

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  • HangoutMC


    Adults Only Minecraft Server Age 25+ Whitelisted Via Application via Forum . Semi Vanilla,Vanilla, Permanent Worlds.

    Forum Address for applications : hangoutmc.com/

    Active Community Forum and Discord Server

    Events Ran Throughout the year

    Server IP server.hangoutmc.com

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Medieval Melon

    Medieval Melon

    Player Created Shops Quests Magic Custom Bosses Geyser Cross Platform Support (Bedrock is on Port 19132) Vivecraft VR support

    Currently we are using the plugins: ArmorStand-Limiter, BeautyQuests, BetterRTP, Citizens, CMILib, DecentHolograms, DiscordSRV, dynmap, EconomyShopGUI, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsSpawn, ExcellentEnchants, floodgate, Geyser-Spigot, GriefPrevention, ImageOnMap, Jobs, Lottery, LuckPerms, Magic, mcMMO, Multiverse-Core, MythicMobs, NBTAPI, NexEngine, NoChatReports, ProtocolLib, QuickShop, Sentinel, SetSpawn, SilkySpawnersLITE, sleep-most, StackMob, UltimateAutoRestart, UltimateChairs, Vault, ViaVersion, Vivecraft-Spigot-Extensions, Votifier, VotingPlugin, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

    Server IP medievalmelon.us.to:30242

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  • Nederland smp

    Nederland smp

    Welcome to the Netherlands SMP,


    The Netherlands SMP has an active community and an active staff!

    We try to keep the environment safe for everyone!

    Join play.nederlandsmp.ga today

    Server IP mc.nederlandsmp.ga

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  • Techno Qbach server Minecraft

    Techno Qbach server Minecraft

    Version 1.12.2 of this industrial server! It contains many Hi-Tech mods, such as AE, IC2, IU, Mekanism, etc. There are actually a lot of mods, our technical admin tried very hard and worked for a long time to create this assembly. This is one of my favorite servers on my project, to be honest. The assembly is perfect for playing with friends after a hard day at the factory.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • FabledNations


    Fabled Nations is a towny survival server within 1.18.1! Enjoy a survival experience with a balanced Job system with 17 occupations to choose from. You can use money gained from your chosen jobs to protect land, buy items or gamble with other players on the server. Maybe even start up a shop or town once you gain enough currency and standing! During your time surviving and working you can save up cash to gain benefits in the form of ranks, giving you special abilities to improve your life within the server, along with a fancy title to go alongside it. These ranks include perks, such as setting up homes you can return too, accessing your ender chest anywhere with a command or even be able to pick up spawners with silk touch! Fabled Nations has custom monuments, enchantments, and other features to give Fabled Nations some enjoyable lore and backstory, with plans for handmade quests. Enjoy joining a custom survival experience with a friendly staff, community events and custom built mechanics that will be unique to our server! We look forward to seeing you!

    Server IP mc.fablednations.com

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FriarTuq


    Vanilla 1.17.1 server, no set rules at the moment, don’t ask for staff. This server is subject to change depending on player base.

    Server IP friartuq.ddns.net

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  • Sklyare


    We are a network compatible with Java edition and Bedrock edition that currently has survival custom and semi-vanilla modes, perfect for playing with your friends and with many additions.

    In our survival custom there are additions such as Slimefun, clans, rankups with rewards such as more homes, dungeons by levels, koths and clans with optional pvp, economy and more things.

    Visit our semi-vanilla if you are looking for a focus on the base or vanilla game since there are normal recognizable additions to survival custom such as koths, economy, dynamic store, clans, better balance in pvp and more things.

    Join us we are waiting for you! Visit our https://www.tiktok.com/@sklyare_ to take a closer look at the server.

    Server IP

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