Very good server ,fresh opened with skyblock/hungergames/spleef/jobs/mobarena…
Very good server ,fresh opened with skyblock/hungergames/spleef/jobs/mobarena…
Welcome to VoltaCraft
If you like technology and automatization in minecraft and want to play on frendly server with admins, who always ready to help, then VoltaCraft made for you. Play with your friends and build giant factories and towns!
VoltaCraft is running FTB New World Modpack
There’s no whitelist, it’s free to join.
Sign up on forums to be informed:
Blocklandia is the BEST family-friendly Minecraft server available for kids of all ages. You don’t have to worry about swearing or inappropriate behavior. Our server was created by parents and is operated by parents.
Hybrid Server
8-Bit Panda-Craft is a place with multiple opportunities. The Max Slots is 60, so hurry over and get on!
Owners: Arandaphobe Moosecakes2 TheLittleDj
Fun Stuff
We have a medium sized parkour course, that’s constantly growing!
We have freebuild in the following biomes: Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountain, Plains, Snow, and Swamp Biome!
We have friendly staff!
Hello this is ChoiceRealms. We are a multiworld hybrid server with lots to do. We are currently in development and looking for some help, If you are interested in helping us build this server please join and ask Phoenix_Frenzy or DarkEliite in game for more details. Possible outcomes of helping out are staff ranks or elite Architect or Artisan Ranks. Hope to see you soon!
A very fun small server, with many fun aspects and essential plugins.
Survival, Basic Economy and features, but admin leaves people to themselves (only enforces hacks and overly-mature content).
We provide a server with almost everything and minimal rules. We have SurvivalGames, Factions, Plots, Creative, Avatar. Survival, Skyblock, HardCore and many more! So come join us and spread the word!