GENERAL INFO:This server was designed to be run by its community. Players can do whatever they want, but if they get caught doing something against the server rules, a server-wide vote can be held by any witness to punish the player. To participate in the vote, players must send a private message to me (C0L1TH) when I am online. Additionally, admin powers will only be used when absolutely needed. Admins cannot punish players until a vote is held. Punishment appeals can be made on the Discord server (as of now, this does not exist yet).
RULES:1. No griefing, stealing, or raiding.2. No NSFW.3. Be respectful (to me, this is the most important rule).
FUN FACTS (as of 7/8/2024):– This server was founded on July 8th, 2024 by C0L1TH (me).– The only plugin installed on the server is CoreProtect.– The server runs on an old desktop PC. It isn’t super powerful, but it works decently well.