Some similar Minecraft servers to Based MC include:
1. AnarchyCraft: AnarchyCraft is a server with minimal rules and a focus on player freedom. Players can enjoy a chaotic and unrestricted gameplay experience similar to Based MC .
2. LibertyCraft: LibertyCraft is a server that values player autonomy and creativity. With a focus on modern Minecraft features and public configurations, players can enjoy a similar experience to Based MC .
3. FreedomCraft: FreedomCraft offers players a mature and secure Minecraft experience while still allowing for freedom and vanilla mechanics. Players looking for a server like Based MC will feel right at home on FreedomCraft.
4. NoRulesMC: As the name suggests, NoRulesMC is a server with absolutely no rules, similar to Based MC . Players can enjoy a unique and unrestricted gameplay experience on this server.
5. RebellionCraft: RebellionCraft is a server dedicated to providing a more mature and transparent Minecraft experience for players. With a focus on modern gameplay elements and freedom, players can find similarities to Based MC on this server.
Each of these servers offers a unique twist on the Minecraft experience while still providing a similar gameplay style to Based MC . Players looking for a server that values freedom and creativity will enjoy their time on any of these servers.