cybergrave.net is an unadulterated classical Minecraft experience with hints of playfullness and creativity. cybergrave.net is a place where gamers and gamerettes come to relax and enjoy themselves. It is an inclusive space for all peoples, but does not ensure any safety from uninclusive behavior such as hate-speech, racism, or any type of bigotry; no type of speech shall be supressed. cybergrave.net is your friendly neighborhood rabbi who coaxes you into a dark alley, only to surprise you with the works of Martin Luther. cybergrave.net does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state. cybergrave.net is a CIA psychological operation that we want you to know about. We are proudly hosted on the Island of Little Saint James, located in the United States Virgin Islands.
We have one rule: Any attempts to affect the server’s integrity shall be met with swift and painful justice.
We hope to see you soon, Thank you!