Evolution smp
Server IP: play.evolution.us.to:25645play.evolution.us.to:25645
Play survival, PvP with other people. Buy ranks, make massive cool things. Your inspiration is our happines! Join now!
Grand Rapids Minecraft
Welcome to GamersCafe! Centralized in Grand Rapids, Michigan but reaching even across the seas, this server strives to create a community to accommodate all sorts of playstyles. While mainly being a PvE server, we host a PvP arena for those itching to swing their swords and shoot down worthy opponents. Not enough mobs for your warrior needs? Hit up the mob arena to hone your skills on waves of opponents and bosses. Adding some flair, we feature the mcMMO plugin to expand your every day activities to even acrobatics for better jumping! Our claims are protected by the golden shovel plugin and allow you to trust your friends to promote a safe community. Our friendly staff is here if there are any questions so feel free to reach out on discord.gg/cqUYWuD! See you soon!
Red diamond smp
ip : RdSMPOfficial.aternos.me:62752
Sovereign Geeks
Currently in beta. A family (kid) friendly Towny server with Slimefun and other geeky items. A few minigames and a creative server with plot management.
FearTheNight Harcore Anarchy
Hardcore Horror servers, build a sanctuary in the walking dead, survive purge night on the purge and more.
We Are Ready For You But Do You Have What It Takes
Server IP: cratermc.comcratermc.com
Description Infamous is the first ever Towny server where the owners develop the server around the players. We are a 100% non-profit server where all funds will go directly to supporting, improving and keeping the server online.
Features – Towny – Slimefun – Jobs Reborn – Crates – In-Game Ranks – Balance Shop – Player Warps – Area Shops
Server back, but after such a long time, I do not know if there is anybody to play, this announcement will not read a piece of meat, so read it. Server IP:zmc.zeroserver.xyz Version: 1.13 = = = = = = = = = = = Allow machinery: Angling machine, rail machine (only permitted rail), small black tower, brush iron machine, brush tower. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = This service is sponsored by the original public service uniform, but sponsorship will not get any privileges. But it will be given the name of the donor [DONOR].
Mine heart
Server IP: Mine_heart.aternos.me:41023Mine_heart.aternos.me:41023