New Minecraft Servers
20cpsop Minecraft Servers


  • Towny legends

    Towny legends

    New Minecraft Servers

    1.19 Minecraft Towny Survival!Welcome to Towny Legends! We offer a quality Minecraft Survival experience, where you can make towns, join multiple jobs, create player shops and player warps, and much more!

    Connect with versions 1.9 – 1.19!

    McMMO, Jobs, DynMap, Vote Rewards, Kits, Player Vaults, and Particles are just a few of the additional perks we have on Towny Legends!

    Bedrock Ip :

    Hope to see you soon!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FriedNetwork


    New Minecraft Servers

    A small minecraft skyblock server made by a small youtuber. It has dungeons , pvp , skyblock and has other gamemodes upcomming in the future. We are a small nice community waiting for nice players to join. You are always welcome, we are waiting for you šŸ™‚

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  • ā¤ļøSuperMineā¤ļø Mini-Games, PVP 1.12-1.20ā­ Best Minecraft server

    ā¤ļøSuperMineā¤ļø Mini-Games, PVP 1.12-1.20ā­ Best Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the server ā€œSuperMine Mini-Games PVP 1.12-1.20 Bestā€ has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Civilization in Minecraft

    Civilization in Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    This is a civilization server, have fun and please no hacking and join discord server. it has teams and wars and peace and hate and nations and a lot of fun! it has people and nations for days and you can make your own nation or join ones already there. it is fun and engaging and is like a faction server but better. it does shut down at night so be wary of that. it has 3 admins and you can apply in our discord server. this server is also known as the Kold SMP, so you can stream on it!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Neficusmp


    New Minecraft Servers

    a great server NOT online 24/7 with tons of plugins a great server to grind

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    New Minecraft Servers

    Koora Smp is a avatar bending server allowing you to push your limits and mastering the elements of Fire Water Air Earth Chi you are able to acquire all 5 elements and become The Avatar! or just buy it at

    New Minecraft Server
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  • CrazyHamster | Classic ā¤ļø Minecraft server

    CrazyHamster |  Classic ā¤ļø Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    I want to invite you to the CrazyHamster server. This is a MCPE server, version 1.1.X. Even though this is not a top project, I really want you to go there, maybe youā€™ll like it… I wonā€™t tell you much about our server, just come and take a look… Iā€™m waiting for you there…

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Tacosmp


    New Minecraft Servers

    Version Release candidate 1.17 1cr . A small SMP, ready for more players and people to come and join the taco train. It has a community waiting for more people to join and create a great alliance with a custom war system built from scratch.

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  • Premium anarchy

    Premium anarchy

    New Minecraft Servers

    What is Premium Anarchy?

    Premium Anarchy is a minecraft anarchy server. You can do whatever you want. However unlike most anarchy servers that don’t have many plugins or changes to the standard survival minecraft experience, Premium Anarchy has many plugins which customize the survival experience. Plugins such as:

    Custom Terrain GenerationTeleportation PluginsSpam and Lag prevention plugins

    Custom Terrain Generation

    Premium Anarchy uses a custom terrain generator to alter the vanilla world. You don’t need to install any additional mods or clients in order for the terrain generator to work since it is a plugin which replaces the default minecraft generation. It adds overĀ 80 new biomes.

    Teleportation Plugins

    Premium Anarchy has teleportation plugins which allow players to get to destinations easily. Unlike other anarchy servers where you must walk everywhere, once you have reached a destination, you can set your destination as aĀ /home. This means that once you make the initial walk to your base or wherever you are planning to go, you can quickly get back their usingĀ /home. You can quickly get to spawn by using theĀ /spawnĀ plugin, which will teleport you to spawn. TheĀ /tpaĀ command will allow you to teliport to your friends if they allow you to.For more details please visit theĀ commandsĀ page.

    Color Plugins

    Premium Anarchy has color plugins which allow for items and chat to become more colorfull. There are chat prefixs which allow you to change the color of your chat messages, and their are color codes which allow you to change the colors of your in game items using an anvil.For more details please visit theĀ colorsĀ page.

    Other Features

    Head drops

    When you kill a player, they will drop their head as a item that you can collect, you can do what you want with someones head.

    Join Date

    See how long a player has been on the server by using the join date command.

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  • Gold Ghetto

    Gold Ghetto

    New Minecraft Servers

    Gold Ghetto is a survival world with a true vanilla experience and no map resets ever. The community isn’t huge because we’re quite picky about our membership – only true survival players who enjoy the grind of playing the game the way it’s meant to be played. The server is usually kept on whitelist but every once in a while we open it up to the public to meet new people if we can find them. This is one of those times. If you’re looking for an exciting world to explore and a safe place to build your biggest ideas ever, or if you just want to live as a quiet wart and goat farmer, you can do that too. You don’t have to be some grand wizard of Minecraft to play in our world but the server is set to hard mode so it helps. It’s a vanilla server with no plugins so no /tp or land claim or anything like that so it can be a bit intimidating at first but stick around for a while and you’ll find it’s a decent community with many interesting people from around the world who love this game as much as you do. We try not to have many rules but good people seem to be hard to find so: griefers and hackers get banned quickly no X-ray or dupes please / respect the grind lgbtq+ friendly 420 friendly all ages, time-zones and languages welcome

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