A special server where people can get creative permissions in order to build a super cool base/other builds and then play the game in survival! Just don’t give yourself food or stuff like tools or armor.
A special server where people can get creative permissions in order to build a super cool base/other builds and then play the game in survival! Just don’t give yourself food or stuff like tools or armor.
Phoenix Risen is a community with multiple servers, notably the main survival server, which offers a myriad of fun perks and play options for both regular members and those who support the server by donating. Server play is fair, and there is a pretty good balance to ease of access for materials while keeping the survival feel of minecraft.
The main survival server utilizes several core plugins to provide a really good play experience, including both personal and town claims, mcMMO, Remote storage, custom drops and crafting, community-created mini-games and dungeons, and much more.
We would love to have you with us!
try it out and look if it fits you!
KaycoCraft is a WHOLE new experience for Minecraft players world wide. Our loving trained Admins will cater to your every need. We have a wide array of plugins all to make your time you spend on the server better. The server is a survival build server where players are in survival and are able to build with your friends as well as our staff! Join today!
Hello Fellow Minecrafters this is ysnfrn1 from minebuilders i am an donator from minebuilders and im looking for you minecrafters to join.And when you enter the spawn or register please say ysnfrn1 has brought me from an server list.Thank you! Minebuilders.me (Ip) Minebuilders.info (Website) Plugins: Iconomy, Chestshop, Factions, PvP, HungerGames, GolemGames, TeamDeath Match, Much more!Many MiniGames!
Kiwicraft is a free build server for max of 32 people. 32 people because we don’t want it to get crowded with noobs. Owner: Parkingmeter1337 Admin: jo5h0, crdhdr. DO NOT ASK FOR OP PLEASE!!!
Thanks for playing!
Remember NO GRIEFING!! If your being or see GRIEFING please report
WorldCraft has recently updated some features, including it’s Voting Credit System. Vote every day and receive up to 5 wCredits, which can be spent in-game on rewards.
-24/7 -Friendly Community -Survival -Grief Protection -PVP Arenas -Mob Arena -Survival Games Arena
Byte is a server flooding with friendly staff.In byte there are endless things to do create a town and earn residents pvp in faction world or the main world play spleef with your friends or other games like mob arena.Meet Friendly new people and enjoy your stay at byte.