New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

SITE-19 Roleplay Server Overview

Description“SITE-19” is a newly released Minecraft RP server where players can portray various members of the SCP Foundation and groups of interest. The server features a 3.5km² underground facility and a large surface area for immersive gameplay. Everything is hosted on a lag-free vanilla server paid for by the owner.
Server TypeVanilla Minecraft RP server
EventsVarious events hosted regularly, including a planned longplay full site roleplay session with player-SCPs and unique tasks
ContactJoin the Discord server for more information: Discord Link

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is SITE-19 Roleplay Server?SITE-19 is a Minecraft RP server where players can roleplay as members of the SCP Foundation and groups of interest.
What sets SITE-19 apart from other servers?SITE-19 offers a large underground facility, surface area, and regular events for an immersive gameplay experience.
Is the server lag-free?Yes, the server is hosted on a paid vanilla server to ensure a lag-free experience for players.
How can I join the server?Join the Discord server linked above for more information on how to join and get started.

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