New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to SangriaCraft Server

Category Description
Updates We just recently updated the server to 1.21 and reset the chunks surrounding the protected area for most of the map to be generated in 1.21.
Who We Are At SangriaCraft, our mission is to provide a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for players to come together and play Minecraft without restrictions or disruptive players.
Community Focus & Transparency We offer community events, competitions, and project channels on Discord. We value transparency and community input, making sure every contribution benefits the community.
Events Various events like The Diamond Treasure Expedition, Starside Trivia Night, and The Dazzling Easter Egg Extravaganza are held for the community.
Whitelist Application Ready to embark on a tropical adventure? Join us by filling out a whitelist application via our Discord.
Recent Poll Changes We have implemented a plugin to allow players to create custom music disks and goat horn sounds.


Q: How do I join SangriaCraft?

A: Follow the link provided and fill out a whitelist application via our Discord server.

Q: What events are held on SangriaCraft?

A: Events like The Diamond Treasure Expedition, Starside Trivia Night, and The Dazzling Easter Egg Extravaganza are held for the community.

Q: Can I suggest changes for the server?

A: Yes, feedback shapes the decisions made by the server, with polled changes requiring an 80% approval rating for implementation.

Q: How often are server updates done?

A: We recently updated the server to 1.21 and regularly make changes to improve the gaming experience.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY