New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Resurgence: Where chaos reigns, friendships are tested, and creepers blow up your hard work.

Resurgence: Where chaos reigns, friendships are tested, and creepers blow up your hard work.

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview:

24/7 Raiding
PvP Allowed (and encouraged)
Custom curated modpack
Updated recipes for balance
13k x 13k World border
Fresh Wipe
End Dimension wipes monthly
Active development team
Chill active playerbase


Q: Is hacking or cheating allowed on this server?

A: No, hacks/dupes or cheats are bannable on this server.

Q: How do I join the server?

A: Follow the steps mentioned in the post to join the server using the IP provided.

Q: What version of Minecraft is required to play on this server?

A: Minecraft version 1.12.2 is required.

Q: Can I join the official Discord for this server?

A: Yes, you can join the official Discord using the provided link.

Q: What mods are included in the modpack for this server?

A: The mod list includes Thaumcraft 6, Ender IO, Tinker’s, Forestry, Better Bees, Thermal expansion, Tech Guns, Redstone Flux, ProjectRed, Extra Utilities 2, Buildcraft RF, AE2 wireless, Applied Energistics, and more mods catering to a war-like experience.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP