New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server Overview:

DescriptionBasic vanilla server with active community and friendly staff
Server FeaturesFriendly Staff, World Backups, 24/7, Support, No Lag, Dedicated Server, No Limits, Discord


What kind of server is TTAC?

TTAC is a basic vanilla server started about 2 years ago. It has an active community filled with nice players and amazing builders.

What are the server rules?

Permanent ban rules include: No Hacking, No Cheating, No Exploiting, No Racisms, No Lag Machines, No Threating, No X-Ray, No Bullying, Keep Chat Clean, Don’t Be Dumb. Allowed rules include: PVP, Teaming, Unlimited Farming, Griefing, Mob Farming, Redstone Machines, Building, New Chunk Loading, Stealing, Raiding.

Are there any restrictions or protections in place?

Spawn Protection: 100 Blocks, Worlds backed up daily.

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