New Minecraft Servers
Welcome to our Minecraft server, where we settle family disputes in the most epic way possible! Join us and let’s duke it out in the virtual world!

On our server, we have a strict “no phone until you’re 11” policy, because we believe in teaching responsibility before giving access to technology. But don’t worry, once you prove yourself with a brick phone, the world (of Minecraft) is your oyster!

Unlike some parents, we believe in monitoring screen time and internet safety. So rest assured, your virtual adventures will be safe and secure on our server. Plus, we have child locks on the internet, because we know how crazy those Endermen can get!

But watch out, because on our server, there’s a rival family who believes in unlimited screen time, social media for all, and no phone checks. It’s like a virtual showdown between responsible parenting and tech freedom!

So join us on our Minecraft server and let’s see who comes out on top in this epic battle of parenting styles! Trust us, it’s going to be block-tastic!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY