New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server TypeExperimental, vanilla, SMP
Snapshot UpdatesEvery new snapshot with all experiments enabled
Current Version1.21.4 (or Latest Snapshot for 1.21.5 / 1.22)

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of server is Pandamium?Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server.
How often does the server update to new snapshots?The server updates to every new snapshot that comes out, usually every Wednesday.
What are some of the experimental features enabled on the server?Some experimental features include The Garden Awakens Drop, Minecart Improvements, Villager Rebalance, Creaking, Pale Garden, Pale Oak Wood set, and more.
What unique features does the server offer?TPA, Homes, Mailing, Discord-to-Minecraft chat link, Ranks, Mini blocks, Mob heads for every mob in the game, custom advancements, and more.
Is there a helpful staff team available for assistance?Yes, there are multiple moderators online on the servers and on Discord to assist with any issues or requests.

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