New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server NameMcMMO Semi Anarchy Survival Server
Server TypeSemi Anarchy
WorldNever resetting
Features– Shops, Server Auction House, Chat Games– mcMMO skills & abilities– Party’s with features such as ptp and xp share– No land claims– No pay to win
RulesNo Cheating or the use of cheat mods
ClientsOptifine, Vanilla
Java Version1.21.4


Q: What is a Semi-Anarchy server?

A: A Semi-Anarchy server typically allows for some chaotic gameplay elements while still maintaining some rules and restrictions.

Q: Are there any land claims on this server?

A: No, there are no land claims allowed on this server.

Q: Can I use cheat mods on this server?

A: No, cheating or the use of cheat mods is not allowed on this server.

Q: What are the allowed clients for this server?

A: The allowed clients are Optifine and Vanilla.

Q: How do I join the server?

A: You can join by visiting and using Java version 1.21.4.

New Minecraft Server
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