New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview – Nebelloren

Key FeaturesTwo dynamic factions: The Imeris Entente and The Wildchoir
Gameplay MechanicsCustom map, mechanical professions, roleplay-based paths, custom abilities
Community AspectsCollaboration with Storytellers and Moderators, growing RP community
DiscordJoin our Discord: nebellor.en/discord


What are the two factions in Nebelloren?

The Imeris Entente and The Wildchoir are the two dynamic factions in Nebelloren.

What gameplay mechanics are available?

Players can engage in mechanical professions, roleplay-based paths, and unlock custom abilities.

How can I join the community?

Join our Discord, read the rules, fill out an application, get whitelisted, download the modpack, and start playing!

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