New Minecraft Servers

MineIndieCraft Server

MineIndieCraft Server

Welcome to our Minecraft server, where we only allow the most elite indie vtubers with 500 viewers or more! Why settle for the normies when you can join the VIP club of vtubers who are killing it on Twitch and YouTube?

Don’t worry if your favorite vtuber only has 499 viewers, we’re not heartless monsters. As long as they’re a Twitch partner or equivalent on YouTube, they’re welcome to be discussed here until they hit that magic number.

New Minecraft Servers - MineIndieCraft Server

Join us for some wild discussions, Twitch clips, VOD archival guides, and even some spicy Koikatsu cards for, you know, research purposes. We even have a Chuuba Birthday Calendar so you never miss celebrating your favorite virtual idols’ special day.

And if that’s not enough, we have ducks. Yes, you read that right. Ducks. Because why not?

So come on down to our Minecraft server and join the craziest, most exclusive club of indie vtubers on the internet. Who needs diamonds and creepers when you have vtubers with thousands of viewers to keep you entertained?

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY