New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server NameMinecraft City & Vehicle Building Server
Main ModsImmersive VehiclesMinecoloniesConstruction and Automation Mods
DescriptionThis server focuses on city and vehicle building, with a modpack that includes various construction, automation, and resource extraction mods.
Additional Features
  • Traffic simulation mod
  • Decoration mods
  • Weapon mods
  • And more


What is the main focus of the server?

The main focus of the server is city and vehicle building, with a modpack that includes various construction, automation, and resource extraction mods.

Can players build their own cities?

Yes, players are encouraged to build their own cities and infrastructure, as well as highways and railways to connect them to points of interest.

What are some of the key mods in the modpack?

Some of the main mods in the modpack include Immersive Vehicles, Minecolonies, and various construction and automation mods.

Is there a traffic simulation mod on the server?

Yes, there is a traffic simulation mod on the server to add to the realism of city building and vehicle use.

How can I join the server?

You can join the server using the provided IP address:

Who can I contact for more information?

You can add AntorchaToxica#4066 on Discord for more information about the server.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP