New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server NameMedieval Tech
Server TypeSurvival, Co-op, RPG, Mini Games, PvP, Economy
Supported VersionForge 1.16.5
IP Address173.240.152.171:25568


The Medieval Tech server is a Minecraft server with a mix of medieval style buildings and modern technology. Players can engage in various activities like mini games, PvP in designated areas, cooperative building projects, and more. The server features mods for trading, machines, redstone creations, and communal areas for players to interact.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the main goal of the server?The main goal is to have a community that helps each other with building projects and to maintain a medieval style in constructions.
Are there any specific rules for PvP?PvP is only allowed in designated arenas to ensure fair gameplay and avoid conflicts in the main world.
What are some of the communal features at spawn?Spawn includes an inn, monster masher, skeleton arena, general store, and portals to the Nether and End dimensions for player convenience.
Can players use redstone machines on the server?Yes, redstone machines are allowed and encouraged, but players are advised to hide the redstone wiring to maintain aesthetics.
Are there any special additions or areas on the server?Players can find a mob arena with orcs, bakeries, themed restaurants, waystones for easy travel, a woodland mansion being renovated as a community area, and more.

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