New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server SpecsHosted on shockbyte
16 gigs of ram
“Better CPU”
Minecraft Version1.20.1
Forge Version47.3.0

Server Modpack

List of key mods:

  • Create and related addons
  • Simply swords and better combat
  • Boss mods like cataclysm
  • Yung’s better series and other structure mods
  • Mods to make the game harder

Join Our Discord

Join our Discord server for more information!


Is there a whitelist?No, there is no whitelist required to join the server.
Can anyone join the server?Yes, anyone who wants to join is welcome to do so.
Are players allowed to suggest new mods?Yes, we encourage players to suggest and give input on new mods that we may add to the server.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP