New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Pure Vanilla SurvivalExplore and build in a pure vanilla world. No vein-miner, vaults, shop, or TP commands.
No ResetsKeep your progress—no world resets!
No PaymentsNo cosmetics, ranks, lootboxes, or land claims.
Not a PvP ServerPvP is enabled but not the focus—PvP has to be agreed upon.
Anti-GriefingYour builds will be protected without land claims.
Bedrock CompatibleJoin from Java or Bedrock editions!
Join Our DiscordAccess exclusive events, servers, and more!


Can I use mods on this server?

Mods that alter gameplay or give unfair advantages are not allowed. Please check with server admins for specific mod guidelines.

How do I join the server?

You can join using the Java IP listed above or the Bedrock IP and Port provided. Make sure to join our Discord for updates and events.

Are there any restrictions on building?

As long as you follow server rules and respect other players’ builds, you are free to build as you please.

Is PvP mandatory on this server?

No, PvP is optional and has to be agreed upon by both players. It is not the main focus of the server.

How can I report griefing or cheating?

You can report any issues to server admins either through Discord or in-game. Provide as much detail as possible for a quick resolution.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP