New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers



New Minecraft Servers

[LumixCraft]An easy and innovative survival server for all! We present our new and inspirational server LumixCraft from the creators of EaseCraft. We have advanced our skills to remodel the whole entire server to become an innovative and easy structure for the pleasure and enjoyment of our valuable players. With our professional staff we work hard and meet our goals to keep our users up to date. But for now we are in our server remodel session and will open on our scheduled date in the late summer of 2013. But for now we are in pre-beta. Currently our users are allowed to register at our website to keep in touch with our achievements and news to one day be able to fully play our server. Also if you join we will be giving out special pre-beta keys to certain players. Join us now to experience a part of our new modern server and to help our growing community! “We luminate your world”

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP