Hypixel LuminousMC
Player Base One of the largest Minecraft servers with millions of active players Smaller player base compared to Hypixel
Game Modes Offers a wide variety of game modes such as Bed Wars, SkyWars, and more Offers popular game modes with unique twists
Staff Support Responsive staff team to handle player inquiries and issues 24/7 staff team with ticket support for quick assistance
Community Diverse player community with active forums and events Friendly community with engaging events and activities
Cosmetics Extensive cosmetic options and customization for players Custom cosmetic options and rewards for players


**1. Which server has a larger player base?** Hypixel has one of the largest player bases in Minecraft.

**2. How is the staff support on LuminousMC?** LuminousMC offers a 24/7 staff team with ticket support for quick assistance.

**3. What kind of game modes are available on Hypixel?** Hypixel offers a wide variety of game modes such as Bed Wars, SkyWars, and more.

**4. Do both servers have an active and friendly community?** Yes, both servers have friendly communities with engaging events and activities.

**5. Can players customize their cosmetics on both servers?** Yes, players can customize cosmetics on both servers, but Hypixel offers more extensive options.

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