New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Information


A Lonely World 1.20.4-1.20.6 Thanks to a new plugin anyone with versions 1.20.4 or newer should be able to connect to the server.

A Semi-Anarchy Vanilla PvP world for players who want a truly expansive experience. Comfort spawning into your own unique corner of the world. Always fair and balanced as I will never offer pay to win features of any kind. Anti-Cheat & X-Ray Prevention Starter Kits 200k Spawn Radius

Looking for a fresh new vanilla world that you can drop into with the comfort of knowing your safe for now while establishing your own spot in the world?

Welcome to a lonely world where the drop-in radius is gigantic giving you the comfort of being safe or are you?

You may ask why safe for now? Due to the large spawn radius you can feel comfort in your corner of the world. However as new players randomly spawn into the world your little corner might not be your little corner anymore. So hop in solo or with a friend (one-time teleports available to help new players allowing friends to group up) and get an early start on establishing an outpost before things get a little more crowded.

/discord – Discord Information /mail – Get in contact with players not online /motd – Display the current Message of the Day /msg – Private message another player /rules – Provides links to server resources /sethome – Set current location as your spawn point /tpa – Teleportation system for new players. /vote – Show your support for the server


1. How can I join the server?

To join the server, you can use either the IP or the alternate IP

2. Is there a Discord server for this Minecraft server?

Yes, you can join the Discord server at for more information and to connect with other players.

3. Are there any pay-to-win features on the server?

No, the server is always fair and balanced and will never offer pay-to-win features of any kind.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP