New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Key FeaturesNew Lifesteal SMP with 10 members
Gameplay MechanicsCompetitive server, spawn killing and bed trapping prohibited, killing/griefing allowed
Community AspectsOpportunity to meet new people and make friends
Server IPNot Available
WebsiteDiscord Server


Q: How many members are currently on the server?

A: There are about 10 members on the server.

Q: What is the server’s stance on spawn killing and bed trapping?

A: Spawn killing and bed trapping are prohibited on the server.

Q: Is killing and griefing allowed on the server?

A: Yes, killing and griefing are allowed on the server.

Q: What are the server’s uptime and RAM specifications?

A: The server is 24/7 up and has 8 GB of RAM.

Q: How can I join the Discord server?

A: You can join the Discord server by following this link: Discord Invite or by adding ethantries on Discord.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP