New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server Description

this is a really good cracked smp option out there, with no lag, no admin power, and we don’t have tons of plugins that can ruin the vanilla experience for you, this server has 2 main smp’s 1- Survival SMP2- LifeSteal SMP 3- We Are Voting For A PvP server on our discord server……

NEW SURVIVAL SEASON We’re thrilled to announce you our best survival season yet! We’ve spent countless days, preparing for this launch. Updates & Fixes: ・New Spawn ・New Spawn NPCs ・New Scoreboard Changes ・New Stability & Optimizations ・All Ranks & Rewards have been Reset ・Big Security Add-on has been added ・RTP works smoothly in all dimensions Player Improvements: ・Higher FPS in & around Spawn ・Higher FPS on the server as a whole ・Ping should be 30% better ・Cracked Players can Join with Premium UsernamesLifesteal Season 2 We’ve spent hours working on this new season, and we have added new features & polished the lifesteal experience! We can’t wait for you to check it out. NEW STUFF: Lifesteal Heart Limit: 20 New Spawn New Scoreboard Design  New Custom Messages Better Hardware  New NPC’s No Dupes & Glitches  New Hearts Recipe

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New Minecraft Server
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