New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Legends of avalon

Legends of avalon

New Minecraft Servers

Legends of Avalon will be a roleplay minecraft server and is still in development! We have a big map with different climates to represent each region. Nations will be built and many ruins and secrets in between the landscapes. Looking for builders to help us bring to life this map we wish to see gain some life.

Looking for Exterior and Interior builders to do the following:– Build alongside the team

– Decorate the map

-Participate to the project

We are currently working on a roleplay server map. We need people to help with the building of cities, landscapes, decorations, greenery, interiors, monuments and more!

If you just want to hang out with us do not worry! You can register to the forums and join our community server to play with us once the server is released.

contact any of the admins if you have questions!

Owner: Ragnio#0001

Moderation Team Admin: comatoseprincess#7316

Tech Team Admin: Voop#0001

World Team Admin: Sacred_bubble#9627

Public Relations Team Admin: kuro#9824

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP