New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Left4craft small communit

Left4craft small communit

New Minecraft Servers

Left4craft was never meant to be a big server. It still isn’t. Left4craft was designed to be a small community, where everyone knew everyone else. Where you could trust people, and know that the staff would be more than happy to roll back a grief. A place where the user is more important than automation on a massive scale. A server where you can truly feel welcomed.The rules are as follows:[1] Be respectful[2] Be ethical[3] Don’t grief[4] All players must agree to fight, if you fight[5] Respect all staff[6] Don’t spam/advertiseWe have griefprevention, an advanced claiming tool for survival. We also have coreprotect, so any staff member can quickly roll back any of your griefs, big or small, and punish the griefer accordingly. If you are looking for a good, friendly, quiet place to start survival or play a couple rounds of horde at, this is the place for you. We would be glad to have you join our community!

Join now:Website: Left4craft.netIP: mc.left4craft.netSee you there!

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