New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to LanderYT SMP

We are the LanderYT SMP, we are a community that started in October 2021 and are looking for more members. We added some small tweaks to the server to make it more suitable for everyone.

Custom texture packA few of our amazing members have drawn up some exquisite custom items, which you are recommended to use on the server. They are completely unintrusive to the gameplay on the server. Custom hats and weapons do not add any extra functionality.
Teleport commandThe only teleport command of /spawn is allowed in the overworld to encourage the development of roads and highways.
Datapacks from HermitcraftIncludes datapacks such as Single player sleep, player heads, armor statues, and more.
DiscordSRVDiscord and Minecraft chat are now interchangeable for easier communication.
CoreProtectReinforces the server’s vision to make it a friendly environment by protecting player’s gameplay experience.

Events are hosted semi-frequently on the server, with rewards of event coins to buy shulker boxes and cosmetic items.

Our server is now 6 months old and has a small staff team dedicated to maintaining peace and harmony.

Application process: You are expected to fill in a high-effort application form to join the server.

Join us now:

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do I apply to join the server?Answer: You can apply by filling out the application form provided on our Discord server.
Question: Can I use mods on the server?Answer: We prefer to keep the server as vanilla as possible, so the use of mods is discouraged.
Question: Are griefing and trolling allowed on the server?Answer: No, we have CoreProtect in place to prevent any harm to player’s gameplay experience.
Question: How can I communicate with other players?Answer: Discord and Minecraft chat are interchangeable for easier communication.
Question: What are event coins used for?Answer: Event coins can be used to purchase shulker boxes and cosmetic items.

New Minecraft Server
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