New Minecraft Servers
Are you tired of boring, unfunny characters on other Minecraft servers? Look no further! Join our server and meet the wackiest, most outrageous characters you’ve ever seen in your blocky life.

We’ve got Steve, the block-headed hero who once defeated a creeper by telling it a knock-knock joke. And don’t forget about Herobrine’s long-lost cousin, Larrybrine, who can summon a herd of dancing pigs with just a flick of his pickaxe.

New Minecraft Servers - ''LameCraft Server''

But that’s not all! Our server is home to the legendary Chicken King, who rules over a kingdom of feathered subjects and grants wishes to anyone who can defeat him in a chicken dance-off. And rumor has it that there’s a secret underground disco party hosted by none other than Notch himself.

So why wait? Join our server today for a wild, hilarious adventure that you won’t find anywhere else. Who knows what kind of crazy characters and antics you’ll encounter next!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY