New Minecraft Servers
u ever been playin on a minecraft server and u just feelin like u not good enough? like u buildin ur lil house and then u see someone else’s and u just like, “dang, i suck”? well, not on this server, my dude. on this server, we all suck equally. no one is better than anyone else, we all just here to have a good time and build some wonky lookin houses.

we got a whole area dedicated to building the ugliest, most ridiculous statues u can think of. want to build a giant chicken with a human face? go for it. want to build a roller coaster that goes through a lava pit? why not. the possibilities are endless, my friend.

and don’t even get me started on the community events. every saturday night, we have a “best dressed” competition where everyone has to dress up in the most ridiculous outfit they can find. last week, someone showed up in a hot dog costume made entirely out of diamonds. it was a sight to behold.

so come join us on this server, where everyone is equally terrible at minecraft and we all just here to have a good time. trust me, you won’t regret it.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY