New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Join the embassy and experience some top-secret shenanigans on a server with a whitelist!

Join the embassy and experience some top-secret shenanigans on a server with a whitelist!

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server TypeBedrock
Server RulesWe are selective with who we allow to join to prevent hackers and griefers. No XP farms for now.
ContactDiscord: litehour


1. How can I join the server?

Contact us on Discord at litehour to request to join the server.

2. Are there any specific rules on the server?

Yes, we are selective with who we allow to join to prevent hackers and griefers. No XP farms are allowed at the moment.

3. What type of server is it?

The server is on Bedrock edition.

4. How can I report any issues on the server?

You can report any issues or problems on the server to the server admin through Discord.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP