Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet!

We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP! we want to give players a fun atmosphere where you can make your own culture, nation, story, and impact!

We don’t necessarily follow a build theme, places can be of whatever era, genre, or style in their builds! We like it that way to be unique, as well as encouraging all sorts of story-building and roleplay!

While we think it’s awesome that people can make their own religions and cultures and stuff, don’t forget that there’s always someone you can join!

Lastly, we like to hold fun events! These events vary from being lore-related to in-game fun, and you can also host these events once you have an idea and all!

Discord Info:

Joining our Discord is required, everyone who joins does have to fill out a quick app after reading the rules, this is so that we filter out any bad folks and goons.

Joining the discord is also just nice, we have a nice community where people organize their lore and events, and it’s where all info and people are located!

Our Plugins:

  • Dynmap
  • SimpleVC
  • SetHome
  • Deadchest
  • CombatLog
  • Brewery
  • And others!

Minecraft server image


Question Answer
Is joining the Discord mandatory? Yes, joining the Discord is required for all players who wish to join the server. This is to ensure a positive and respectful community environment.
Are there any build restrictions? No, there are no specific build themes or restrictions on the server. Players are encouraged to be creative and build in any style or era they choose.
Can I host my own events? Yes, players are welcome to host their own events on the server once they have an idea and plan. This can add to the fun and community spirit of the server.
How can I report bad behavior? If you encounter any negative or disruptive behavior on the server, please report it to the server moderators or admins via Discord. We take community safety seriously.

New Minecraft Server
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