New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Janitor’s Closet Minecraft Server Overview

Server NameJanitor’s Closet
FocusFictional world creation, culture and nation building
RulesJoin Discord, fill out application, follow server rules
LinksDiscord, Wiki


1. What is the Janitor’s Closet server about?

The server focuses on roleplay and worldbuilding, allowing players to create their own fictional world, cultures, and nations.

2. Are there specific build themes or styles required?

There isn’t a specific build theme, but all builds should have a lore-based reason. Huge scale and megabuilds are not allowed.

3. How can I join the server?

Join the Discord server and fill out an application after reading the rules to join the community.

4. Are there restrictions on culture and religions?

Culture and religions are player-made, allowing players to develop their own unique aspects. Players can join existing cultures as well.

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