New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

ISO SMP Server Overview

Server Launch Date2024-09-10
  • Chest locking plugin with signs
  • Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking
  • Player and mob heads
  • Death chest
  • Vein-miner
  • /home command
  • Shops with custom economy
  • Anti-xray protection
  • Server on 24/7
  • No creeper block damage
  • No enderman picking up blocks
DiscordJoin us on Discord

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is this server open to all age groups?No, this server is for players aged 18 and above.
How can I protect my chests?You can use the chest locking plugin with signs to secure your chests.
Can I make my items invisible?Yes, you can make item frames invisible by shift-right clicking on them.
Are there player and mob heads available?Yes, player and mob heads are available in the game.
Is there a way to recover items after death?Yes, there is a death chest feature to retrieve items after death.
Can I use a vein-miner on this server?Yes, vein-miner is a supported feature on the server.
Are there player homes and a custom economy system?Yes, players can set homes and trade with a custom economy system on the server.
Is x-ray cheating prevented on this server?Yes, there is anti-xray protection in place to prevent cheating.
What are the rules regarding creeper and enderman actions?Creeper block damage and enderman picking up blocks are disabled on the server.
How can I join the server Discord?You can join the server Discord through the provided link above.

New Minecraft Server
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