New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

ISO SMP: Where adults play pretend in a fresh new world without any added vanilla or hermit-craft flavor!

ISO SMP: Where adults play pretend in a fresh new world without any added vanilla or hermit-craft flavor!

New Minecraft Servers

ISO SMP Overview

18+ communityWe welcome players who are 18 years old and above to join our server.
Chest locking pluginPlayers can lock their chests using signs to prevent unauthorized access.
Invisible item framesPlayers can make item frames invisible by shift-right clicking on them.
Player and mob headsPlayers can collect and display player and mob heads as trophies.
DeathchestA chest will spawn at the player’s death location to store their items.
Vein-minerPlayers can mine entire veins of ores with a single block break.
/homePlayers can set a home location and teleport back to it anytime.
Shops with custom economyPlayers can create shops to trade items with others using a custom economy system.
NO-GRIEFWe have strict rules against griefing to maintain a friendly and fair gameplay environment.
Server uptimeOur server is online 24/7 for players to enjoy uninterrupted gameplay.
Custom armor standPlayers can customize armor stands with different poses and equipment.
Mini-blocksEnjoy building with smaller blocks to create intricate designs.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I join the ISO SMP server?

To join our server, please connect using the Minecraft IP address provided on our Discord server: [insert IP address here].

2. Can I invite my friends to play on the server?

Yes, feel free to invite your friends to join our community as long as they abide by our rules and guidelines.

3. Are there any age restrictions to play on the server?

Yes, we require players to be 18 years old or above to join our server.

4. How can I protect my belongings from theft?

You can use the chest locking plugin and signs to secure your chests and prevent unauthorized access.

5. Is griefing allowed on the server?

No, we have strict rules against griefing to maintain a friendly and fair gameplay environment for all players.

New Minecraft Server
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