New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Heal the Squad – Where even the creepers get a bandaid! EU edition

Heal the Squad – Where even the creepers get a bandaid! EU edition

New Minecraft Servers

Server Overview
No ranks / No economy / No shops / No TP
PVP is enabled
Rain is disabled
Starter kit on first login (iron tools and food)
Worldguard Protection for regulars
CHEATING/SPAWNKILLING will get you banned
Griefing/Stealing is allowed on unprotected area
Farming is allowed
Daily server backup

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use cheats on the server?

No, cheating or spawn killing will result in a ban.

Is griefing allowed on the server?

Griefing and stealing are allowed on unprotected areas.

What do I get in the starter kit?

The starter kit includes iron tools and food for your initial gameplay.

How can I protect my area on the server?

Regular players are provided with Worldguard Protection to protect their areas from griefing.

Is there a discord server for the Minecraft server?

Yes, our discord server is:

What is the server address?

The server address is

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP