New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to Glarkour Minecraft Server


Version: 1.21.4

Player-made coursesEngage in challenging parkour courses created by players
Competitive leaderboardsShow off your skills and compete with others
SMP worldSurvival Multiplayer world for players to explore and build
Creative plotworldCreate in a plotworld with free WorldEdit tool

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How do I join the server?

To join Glarkour, enter the IP “” in your Minecraft client.

2. Are there any rules on the server?

Yes, we have a set of rules to maintain a positive and respectful community. Check out the rules section on our Discord or server website.

3. Can I create my own parkour courses on the server?

Yes, players are encouraged to build their own parkour courses and share them with others.

4. Is there a ranking system for the leaderboards?

Yes, players will be ranked based on their performance on the parkour courses.

5. How can I get WorldEdit in the creative plotworld?

WorldEdit is free to use in the creative plotworld. Simply claim a plot and start building with WorldEdit tools.

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