New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

★ Ghastlegion ★

GhastLegion is a minecraft server dedicated to Prison, Skyblock, Skypvp and more fun gamemodes!.With a lot of some awesome plugins and also some custom made onesYou should check it out!

★Server IP★

You can join, the ip is: If that doesn’t work could you contact us. Go to the website:★Staff★

We have high ranked staff example: Moderators/admins/owners. And we have also low ranked staff: Helpers. Helpers are normal players they don’t scam you, but be carefull they can ban mute or kick you when you break the rules.


Ghastlegion currently works on Prison and Skyblock but we’re planning to expand in the future!We’ve got custom plugins, maps, buildings, world and more!


You can always contact us via the DISCORD.IO/ghastlegion

We hope to see you on our server.

Kind regards,

GhastLegion Staff Team!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP